December 2, 2009

How to Remove Dangerous ACC1.exe Virus-Fix

The ACC.exe virus installer connects to remote IRC server, by creating auto dialer in network connections with the name like a-connect,z-connect, and disconnects user dialup connections it may further download more harmful files from the internet. A good firewall can make your computer much safer by detecting such harmful activities and blocking them.

It creates the file Acc1.exe on the infected computer. You need to search and delete it. You should end any running process named Acc1.exe from Task Manager, and also remove the file's entry from windows startup.

Some good freeware recommendations would be ZoneAlarm Free Firewall, and Comodo Internet Security Free Edition (you can choose to install just the firewall from their security suite)

Steps To remove Acc1.exe
These are the files created by this virus installer



C:\Documents and Settings\[UserName]\update.exe (And also creates dial up connection automatically-Like a-connect,z-connect,You can check in Network Connection

The following directories were created by the virus

  • c:\ACC1
  • c:\ACC1\F1C1
Sometimes you will not be able to delete a file even if you find it, in that case you should boot in safe mode and then try to delete it/ them. 

Before you could delete Acc1.exe and its associated files you need to search for them, and before doing that you need to enable to view hidden files and folders .
  1. Press Alt+Ctrl+Del --->Go to Process --->end Explorer.exe
  2. Go to Run Type CMD
  3.  C:\Documents and Settings\Shree> Type cd\ Hit Enter
  4.  C:\> Type attrib -h -r -s ACC1 Hit Enter
  5.  C:\> Type Del ACC1 then it ask for delete confirmation Press Y
  6.  C:\> Type attrib -h -r -s F1C1 Hit Enter
  7.  C:\> Type Del F1C1 then it ask for delete confirmation Press Y 
  8.  Type Exit.
Go to File and Click Run in task manager Type C: you will know return to desktop.then open C drive look for ACC1 and F1C1 folders Delete it.

Restart the PC.

Now Virus Should be gone!
Some time it Modifies Registry or Creates following registry keys
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{67KLN5J0-4OPM-61WE-KKX2-457QWE23218}
You need to delete them manually or you can use Registry Cleaners Like CCleaner or GlaryUtilities
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Trustport Antivirus USB/U3 Edition free for 6 months

If you worry about viruses or losing data when using your USB device (pen drive) on different computer, the best and easiest solution is using an USB Antivirus.
But there are no such a good, free USB antivirus is available, you need to pay to get a good one. Trustport Antivirus USB/U3 Edition is one of the best in this category and under a promotion you can get a full functional USB Antivirus free for 6 months.

Trustport Antivirus USB edition prevents malicious codes to be copied onto the flash disk, enables scanning of the host computer. It allows encryption of files to prevent unauthorized access; it brings reliable shredding of unused private data. It doesn’t require hard drive installation.

Just follow below link and fill-up the form (you should give other three email addresses
of your family members) and submit to get your license key.

Steps to Remove Win32:Rootkit-gen[Rtk] Virus And ur0 Virus

Win32:Rootkit-gen[Rtk], harmful Virus, this virus normally slowdowns your system and interferes with system process.
Symptoms of this virus attack:
• Win32:Rootkit-gen[Rtk] virus infection notice by your Antivirus.
• Resides in file which happens to be a virus itself.
• Also resides in System Volume Information folder.
• May also prevent double click opening of a drive.

Steps to remove Win32:Rootkit-gen[Rtk] Virus
• The only reason why this virus infects the PC again is that, it has been saved in the System Restore files.
• So turn off the System Restore now (Right click on My Computer-> Properties-> System Restore tab-> click on Turn off System Restore on all drives).
• Reboot the PC to let the restore files to get deleted.
• Now just turn on the system restore.
The virus has been removed!!

Steps to remove virus
• Run Task Manager, End the process, if any.
• Go to Start click on run type msconfig,click on startup disable unnecessary application along with .
• Reboot into safe mode, search the file,from windows search tool and remember to include hidden files option as well.
• Permanently delete the files found.

Steps to Protect exe Files from Viruses

Anti Virus is a great protection tool to safeguard our computer and files against the virus but these are not 100% efficient in use and also they require periodic updating of the virus definitions.

Here is a free, simple yet powerful tool that can protect your files and folders especially the executable exe files against the viruses. The tool is called PE Guard and keeps running in the background in the system tray without consuming much of the memory space.

The tool can be chosen to run in wither normal Guard mode or the Power Guard mode. As the name suggests, Power Guard mode is more powerful and protects the computer and files better. It can detect and thus protect when the virus is trying to replicate itself in the system and when it is trying to infect the system exe or sys files.

The tool is free and what’s more it do not require any update of the definitions like the Anti Virus software.

Download PE Guard

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How Monitor Fan Speeds Temperatures and Voltages in PC

Speed Fan monitors
fan speeds, temperatures and voltages in computers with hardware monitor chips. Speed Fan can even access S.M.A.R.T. info for those hard disks that support this feature and show hard disk temperatures too, if supported. Speed Fan can even change the FSB on some hardware. At the lowest level, Speed Fan is a hardware monitor software, but its main feature is that Speed Fan can control fan speeds according to the temperatures inside your pc, thus reducing noise and power consumption.

Download Free SpeedFan 4.34

How Backup Your Windows Driver-DriverMax

DriverMax can solve your Windows Driver Problems

Windows Driver Problem Solved: After a windows reinstallation the user need to find all the Drivers Discs or search the entire internet for compatible version of Drivers. This Driver hunting process is always been a hard time for a windows user. To solve this problem you need to use the all in one Driver Solution tool DriverMax. DriverMax is a new tool that allows you to Backup your Drivers and downloads the latest Drivers updates for your computer.

No more searching for rare Drivers on Discs or on the internet. Just create Driver Backup before the windows installation, DriverMax will analyze your system and save all the Drivers in a folder. After windows installation, install DriverMax first & run it, then click on Import Drivers and point to the folder containing your saved drivers. DriverMax will start your driver installation process.

Note: Free registration required after 30 days. DriverMax works on Windows Vista & Windows XP


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  • Go to Start--Run--type Regedit
  • From the edit tab click find
  • Type Folder options
  • In the Reg_dword value of folder option change it to 1

Thats it!

You are now able to see folder options in your windows explorer

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To remove this virus and also some of it’s variants you can now use Anti-virus programmed by technize

It is able to detect and clean viruses only by running it. It can also remove virus from flash drives and scan single folders for viruses. By the time, I will add support for removing other viruses also. here is a screenshot


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How to Enable Right Click on Desktop-Fixed

If you are having troubles with the context menu (right click menu), right clicking on the desktop doesnot do anything then most probably you have your group policies set to not displaying the context menu in windows explorer. You can change it in two ways. One from the group policy editor and one from the registry editor.

1- From Group Policy Editor

To re-enable your context menu from the group policy editor, go to Run –> gpedit.msc –> User Configuration –> Administrative Templates –> Windows Components –> Windows Explorer. In the right hand pane, find “Windows Explorer’s default context menu”, open its properties by double clicking it. If it’s enabled or not configured, disable it and your context menu will be back as soon as you apply this policy.

2 – From Registry Editor

To re-enable your context menu from the registry, go to Run –> regedit –> HKEY_CURRENT_USER –> Software –> Microsoft –> Windows –> CurrentVersion –> Policies –> Explorer. In the right hand pane find “NoViewContextMenu”, set its value to 0 if it exists. If you still can’t right click your desktop, then you can look for the same key here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE –> Software –> Microsoft –> Windows –> CurrentVersion –> Policies –> Explorer

How to remove unwanted programs and traces easily-Revo uninstaller

Revo Uninstaller
helps you to uninstall software and remove unwanted programs installed on your computer even if you have problems uninstalling and cannot uninstall them from "Windows Add or Remove Programs" control panel applet.

Revo Uninstaller is a much faster and more powerful alternative to "Windows Add or Remove Programs" applet!

Revo Uninstaller gives you another 8 handy and powerful tools to clean up your system.

Here is the list of the tools and utilities included in Revo Uninstaller:

Auto Start Manager - Stop programs that start automatically on Windows startup; speed up loading of Windows!

Windows Tools Manager - Handy and useful tools bundled with every version of Windows; easily find useful system tools and options!

Junk Files Cleaner - Find and remove unnecessary files from your computer; free up disk space and delete files you do not need!

Browsers History Cleaner - Erase web browser history, visited pages history and temporary internet files of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape and Opera web browsers; free up a lot of disk space by deleting temporary internet files like temporary saved videos, temporary flash files, temporary pictures etc!

Office History Cleaner - Remove the history of most recently used files in MS Office; remove your tracks by deleting the list of last opened MS Office documents!

Windows History Cleaner - Remove the history of recently opened files, delete temporary files, remove usage tracks and other history items that are saved by Windows; remove your tracks saved by Windows for a lot of operations!

Unrecoverable Delete Tool - Erase files and folders forever; be sure that nobody could recover your files and folders after deleting!

Evidence Remover - Make sure already deleted files, folders and other data are unrecoverable; securely erase your data!

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