January 2, 2010

How to Enable Subtitles in Windows Media Player 12

Windows media player 12 is not playing subtitles like srt, sub etc. even if we install Direct VobSub. And Wehave to rename a system file called mfpmp.exe, present in C:\Windows\System32. But we need to take ownership of the file in order to rename it. Otherwise it shows the error message below.

Step 1: Open command prompt (Press Start+R, Type cmd andHit  Enter).

  Step 2: In command prompt, type: takeown /f C:\Windows\System32\mfpmp.exe
               and press Enter

Step 3:Type: icacls C:\Windows\System32\mfpmp.exe /grant (user name): F and hit Enter

Step 4:  Reboot the System,and now you should be able to delete or modify the file. 
if it gives error  try renaming the file to anything else then mfpmp.exe as shown below.

How to Enable Sidebar in Windows 7

Windows 7 sidebar with gadget stops working if User Account Control (UAC) is disabled as shown below. Microsoft may have done this to prevent users from installing any malicious unsigned desktop gadget in windows.

But here I have given a solution to make Windows7 sidebar with gadget to work when UAC is disabled or turned off.

Steps to Enable Sidebar in Windows 7
Step 1: Click on Start Menu go to Run type regedit and Hit Enter.

 Step 2: In the Registry Editor follow the below navigation path

i.e HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Sidebar\Settings

Step 3: Right Click on right side of Registry editor. Click on Create A New DWORD(32 Bit Value) with name “AllowElevatedProcess” and set value to “1”.


Step 4: Exit registry editor. Then Right click on desktop and Click on add desktop gadgets. as shown in figure below

 Now Your Desktop Gadgets and sidebar will be Enabled.  

Convert Image to Text Online- Free Online OCR Service

There are few free OCR softwares available for Windows and there are some Online OCR service available where you can upload your image and it will convert it into text format and allow you to download.

Free-OCR.com is a free online OCR (Optical Character Recognition) tool. You can use this to perform OCR on any image you supply.This service is free.Free-OCR takes either a JPG, GIF, TIFF BMP or PDF (only first page).The restriction is that the images must not be larger than 2MB,  there is a limit of 10 image uploads per hour.

Online OCR 
It recognizes text and characters from PDF scanned documents (including multipage files), photographs and digital camera captured images. Service allows users to select 28 languages to recognize multilingual documents.  OCR results directly to your favorite formats including Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Rtf, Html and Txt. Converted documents look exactly like the original - tables, columns, bullets and graphics.

4 Free OCR tool to Convert Image to text-OCR Softwares

OCR is Optical Character recognition , this is one of the field where millions of dollars are shed on reserch and development.  Most of the free OCR softwares are based on commonly available free OCR engines such as Tesseract which was developed by HP initialy.

Features of OCR software

  1. Most of the free OCR software supports JPEG, TIFF, GIF and BMP formats. 
  2. Converted file can be saved in formats such as PDF , HTML and TXT.
  3. Multi language support 

Simple OCRis the popular freeware OCR software with hundreds of thousands of users worldwide.  Simple OCR is also a royalty-free OCR SDK for developers to use in their custom applications. If you have a scanner and want to avoid retyping your documents, SimpleOCR is the fast, free way to do it.

 The SimpleOCR freeware is 100% free and not limited in any way. SimpleOCR for free--home users, educational institutions, even corporate users.
SimpleOCR (v3.1) is a 9MB download and is compatible with Windows.

This software is designed to be simple and user-friendly for use with your digital camera or smartphone. Now wherever you go, you can quickly and easily acquire documents from business cards, newspapers, books and magazines, without having to carry around a bulky and costly portable scanner.

[via] Download

 This free OCR software uses the Tesseract OCR engine. Tesseract OCR code was developed at HP Labs between 1985 and 1995 and is currently with Google. It is thought of as one of the most accurate open source OCR engines available.

  • It can handle PDF formats and is also compatible with TWAIN devices like scanners.
  • FreeOCR also has the familiar double window interface with easy to understand settings.
  • Before starting the one click conversion process, you can adjust theimage contrast for better readability.
  • FreeOCR (v.2.03) requires Microsoft Net 2.0 framework. The Windows XP/Vista compatible 4.38MB software can also be downloaded from this alternate site.

OCR Using Microsoft OneNote 2007
For the occasional basic OCR stuff, MS OneNote’s optical character recognition feature is a timesaver.
  • Drag a scan or a saved picture into OneNote. You can also use OneNote to clip part of the screen or an image into OneNote.
  • Right click on the inserted picture and select Copy Text from Picture. The copied optically recognized text goes into the clipboard and you can now paste it into any program like Word or Notepad.