January 9, 2010

Free FLV Converter for PC-Freeware

This FLV Converter is Freeware.can convert FLV files to AVI, iPod (MPEG4 or H.264), iPhone, 3GP, PSP, or MP3 audio only.This software can also convert all your videos (DivX, XviD, MpeG, DVD, AVI) to FLV video (Flash video) with an automatic HTML page creation.

1.It is Lightweight and effective, this program is a great way to convert video files from Flash formats into something useful beyond Web pages. 
2.Free FLV Converter can handle AVI and can download embedded SWF or FLV vids directly from the Internet when you punch in the URL.
3.The app can also perform local searches for vids as well as convert to FLV. 
4.It is very easy to use Hitting either conversion tab will automatically open a file browser so you can choose your target webpage.
5.You can customize conversion basics such as settings, including output format, quality, and destination directory, advanced options like the codec, aspect ratio, and the frame rate. 

6.Converter works smoothly and without interfering with other programs

Cyberlink Emerged With Blueray

Cyberlink is showcasing its 3D Blu-ray platform at CES 2010.The software harnesses a PCs GPU to decode the new Multi-View Codec (MVC) for a full-quality 3D Blu-ray experience.  

Cyberlink CEO Alice Chang review that the company's forthcoming version of PowerDVD Ultra will bring 3D Blu-ray to millions of desktop and notebook PCs."[We are] committed to offering the best 3D Blu-ray experience on the widest range of hardware platforms," said Chang. 

"Our engineering team has been working very closely with the Blu-ray Disc Association, and with all of the leading hardware vendors, including Nvidia, AMD, and Intel.
"Indeed, Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang termed 3D a "global movement across all industries" during his CES 2010 keynote speech.

"We introduced 3D vision a year ago and people have been absolutely blown away by it. It is quite clear 3D has become a global movement across all  industries. 3D will undoubtedly be a must for the next-generation of gaming."AMD's Nigel Dessau expressed similar sentiments.
"Bringing 3D Blu-ray entertainment to PCs is just one example of how AMD's Vision technology, including ATI Radeon graphics, will improve the user experience," stated Dessau.
"AMD has worked closely with CyberLink to optimize the performance of PowerDVD Ultra to support the forthcoming 3D Blu-ray standard on AMD platforms and is excited to be one of their featured hardware partners."